Buchkapitel und Reviews

Selected regular papers

1. Solid state magnetism

Basics of micromagnetic methodology

Relaxation over high energy barriers

Magnetization dynamics in general

Magnetisation states and magnetic SANS for bulk nanocomposites

High frequency properties of patterned magnetic structures and Magnonics

Domain wall motion

Spint-torque induced magnetization dynamics

2. Ferrofluids

3. Inverse problems

  • D. Berkov, N. Buske, A. Daum, M. Giersig, P. Görnert, W. Neumann, D. Su, New method for the reconstruction of the distribution of fine particle magnetic moments in a ferrofluid, IEEE Trans. Magn., MAG-35 (1999) 4064

  • D. Berkov, N.L. Gorn, Reconstruction of the velocity distribution in conducting melts from induced magnetic field measurements, Computer Phys. Comm., 86 (1995) 255

  • D. Berkov, P. Görnert, N. Buske, C. Gansau, J. Mueller, M. Giersig, W. Neumann, D. Su, New method for the determination of the particle magnetic moment distribution in a ferrofluid, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 33 (2000) 331

  • D. Berkov, S.V. Meshkov, Investigation of energy spectrum of highly correlated electron systems with Quantum Monte-Carlo methods, JETP Letters (USA), 52 (1990) 415; Trans. of: Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Phys. (USSR), 52 (1990) 1021

  • D. Berkov, S.V.Meshkov, Density of states for one hole in the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model with the infinite on-site repulsion, Phys. Lett., A170 (1992) 448

  • S.V. Meshkov, D. Berkov, Fast maximum entropy algorithm for ill-posed problems, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 5 (1993) 987