Hysteresis loops of polycrystalline thin films and multilayers
We offer numerical simulations of magnetization curves (starting from arbitrary initial magnetization states) and of hysteresis loops for thin films and multilayers stacks with the layer thicknesses up to ~ 100 nm. The polycrystalline structure of the film with the given average grain size can be taken into account.
Domain wall motion in thin films and nanostripes
Our software allows simulations of the domain wall motion in thin extended magnetic films and patterned magnetic structures both with and without including the influence of thermal fluctuations. Random polycrystalline structure of corresponding films and edge roughness of patterned nano- and microstructures can be taken into account.
Field induced magnetization switching
Simulations of the fast magnetization switching under the influence of rapidly changing external field (field pulses), including the effect of thermal fluctuations, can be done for various types of magnetic systems.
High frequency magnetic properties of patterned arrays Using simulations of the dynamical magnetization response to alternating external fields with different time dependencies, we are in position to calculate the real and imaginary parts of the ac-susceptibility of various magnetic structures, including so called magnonic arrays (patterned thin film structures in the nano- and micrometer size region). These simulations allow to predict the resonant frequencies and energy absorption in these systems.
Magnetization switching induced by a spin-polarized current
We are able to simulate magnetization switching in nanodevices induced by the spin-polarized current (spin-torque induced dynamics). Our simulations take into account both the so called Slonczewski term and the field-like term, and enable to include the effects of the Oersted field (which can be computed rigorously from the current distribution) and effect of thermal fluctuations.
Spin torque nanooscillators
We have a rich experience in simulations of the spin-torque nanooscillators, i.e., magnetization dynamics in nanostructures induced by a spin-polarized current. We can calculate the dependence of the oscillation power spectrum and the GMR signal on the current strength and external field for single- and multilayer magnetic nanodevices.