Unsere Forschungseinrichtung wurde erfolgreich durch die ZUSE-Gemeinschaft evaluiert. Das Evaluierungsgespräch fand am 18. Februar 2022 in unseren Räumlichkeiten in Jena statt. General Numerics Research Lab e.V. wurde als eines der ersten Institute im Rahmen der ZUSE-Evaluierung erfasst und ist laut der Auditorenbewertung im Sinne der ZUSE-Gemeinschaft sehr gut aufgestellt.
19.02.2022 -
Together with colleagues from the universities and research centers in Great Britain, Luxembourg, Germany, and USA we have published a review article in Nanoscale Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry). Titled "Using small-angle scattering to guide functional magnetic nanoparticle design" this paper is devoted to the advanced experimental and calculation techniques for the magnetic nanoparticles characterization.
15.02.2022 -
A joint publication authored by members of our research group appeared in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review B published by the American Physical Society. The articles "Concept of the Energy-Dependent Temperature for Direct Langevin Dynamics Simulations of Rare Events in Systems with Arbitrary High Energy Barriers" and "Single-stage direct Langevin dynamic simulations of transitions over arbitrarily high energy barriers: Concept of energy-dependent temperature" have been additionally selected as PRL and PRB Editors' Suggestion. This study has been funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Society) under the DFG Grant No. BE 2464/18-1.